A beautiful day has been chosen to begin our new life together..
God has led two lives to take one path...
And Our Hearts will be united as one...
God has led two lives to take one path...
And Our Hearts will be united as one...
Eleno & Juri
With blessing of our beloved parents
REV. Eleno Aboabo Sr.
Mrs. Deolita Aboabo
Mrs. Ai Iwai
REV. Eleno Aboabo Sr.
Mrs. Deolita Aboabo
Mrs. Ai Iwai
Request the honor of your presence to rejoice and celebrate on
Tuesday, 9th December 2014 @ 3:00pm Sorrento Oasis Pasig
Tuesday, 9th December 2014 @ 3:00pm Sorrento Oasis Pasig
An Elegant Wedding to remember . . .
Three O'clock in the afternoon
O N T U E S D A Y , 9 t h D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 4
Three O'clock in the afternoon
O N T U E S D A Y , 9 t h D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 4